5G Geopositioning Interactive map
A Geopositioning use case in the form of an interactive map was developed for geopositioning within the Technobothnia laboratories. Initially, the map leveraged the existing geolocation APIs for smartphones and other mobile devices. Plans are underway to expand its capabilities to incorporate upcoming 5G location technologies. Such technologies could for example use the Sounding Reference Signal (SRS) or Positional Reference Signal (PRS) available in 5G networks.
The following image demonstrates long-term GPRS-based positioning within the 5G laboratories.

5G signal mapping
A test was conducted in which the cellular signal strength was measured in a radius around the base station. The strength was logged together with local reference points allowing us to plot the result on top of a map of the Technobothnia laboratories.
The color intensities indicates the signal strength in decibel.